Haocheng Wan    万昊承

I am a Master's student at University College London and received my Bachelor's degree from Hangzhou Dianzi University.

I have wide research interests in 3D vision and deep learning.

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Publication ( * indicates equal contributions in alphabetical order)
PatchFormer: An Efficient Point Transformer with Patch Attention
Cheng Zhang*, Haocheng Wan*, Xinyi Shen, Zizhao Wu
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR), 2022

We propose a new type of attention mechanism and a lightweight block with multiscale features.
PVT: Point-Voxel Transformer for 3D Deep Learning
Cheng Zhang*, Haocheng Wan*, Shengqiang Liu, Xinyi Shen, Zizhao Wu
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2022

We present a pure-transformer backbone architecture for 3D deep learning with high performance and efficiency.
[paper] [code]
Graph-PBN: Graph-based Parallel Branch Network for Efficient Point Cloud Learning
Cheng Zhang, Hao Chen, Haocheng Wan, Ping Yang, Zizhao Wu
Graphical Models, Volume 119, 2022, 101120

We introduce a novel parallel branch structure for 3D deep learning. A new convolution operator were designed for local graph-based networks
[paper] [code]

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